基督教鄉村福音佈道團 基督教鄉村福音佈道團-首頁



【鄉福同工以堅定的宣教心志和有限的資源, 在黑暗、貧瘠、沒有教會的鄉鎮開拓開拓建立教會。 同工生活簡單樸實,自然融入百姓的生活中,福音事工漸進展開。近三十多年來,台灣鄉村這塊福音乾旱之地,在許多人汗水與淚水的澆灌中,慢慢鬆軟。原來在沒有教會,民間信仰充斥的鄉村,現在有小群神的兒女在那裡獻上真實的敬拜,福音事工不斷展開。】



1. 來自鄉村的呼聲 (2007年版)

【影片編輯於2007年。介紹台灣鄉村因著產業結構的改變,鄉村教會逐漸萎縮,鄉村的福音工作也被忽略。 民間信仰的毒根深深的影響鄉村,鄉福同工以有限的資源,在鄉村在塊福音乾旱之地,開展鬆土的工作。】

2. 來自鄉村的呼聲 (2010年版)

【影片攝於2010年。介紹台灣鄉村因著民間信仰的影響,經濟的貧窮,教育資源的稀少,競爭力薄弱 ,有許多的弱勢家庭。 如果我們忽略鄉村的福音工作,那些不認識耶穌的小孩,十年後會長成什麼樣子呢? 耶穌要我們作光作鹽,盼望因著您的關心參與,福音運動可以不斷的在鄉下展開,像根出於乾地,看到許許多多的人從偶像歸向真神, 心靈得到盼望,家庭得到醫治。】

3. Calling from the Villages in Taiwan - I (2007 edition)

【This video was originally compiled in year 2007 in Chinese language. Mr. Chuck Schumann, a friend of VGM, kindly translated it into English. Part I of the series of three parts introduces history of Village Gospel Mission (VGM)which was funded in 1971. In 1981, the first pioneer area was started at Manjou, PingTong County. Since then, many churches have been planted in many other villages in Southern Taiwan. Most of the churches usually began without any basic church members. For more information, please visit the Village Gospel Mission Introduction page.】

4. Calling from the Villages in Taiwan - II (2007 edition)

【This video was originally compiled in year 2007 in Chinese language. Mr. Chuck Schumann, a friend of VGM, kindly translated it into English. Part II of the series of three parts shows how the co-workers of VGM used creative ways (e.g., computer classes) to out-reach the villagers. Due to short of resources, Gospel teams from inside Taiwan and oversea were sent to the villages. In 1981, the first pioneer area was started at Manjou, PingTong County. The percentage of Christian in Taiwan has long been about 2.5%. In rural area, it’s even lower, for example, 0.3% in Yun-Lin County, and 0.4% in Chia-Yi County. Lacking of gospel allowed traditional belief to spread like weeds and rot the roots. For more information, please visit the Village Gospel Mission Introduction page.】

5. Calling from the Villages in Taiwan - III (2007 edition)

【This video was originally compiled in year 2007 in Chinese language. Mr. Chuck Schumann, a friend of VGM, kindly translated it into English. Part III of the series of three parts shows the outlook and vision of VGM. VGM needs your prayers, support, and participation. With your caring and support, hope will be brought to the villages in Tiawan. Circumstances, environments and things may change, but vision will never died. For more information, please visit the Village Gospel Mission Introduction page.】